Children with allergies to dust mites suffer from the negative effects of dust and should try to avoid it. Parents and guardians should work to protect children with allergies from dust, so they can live more healthfully. In this...

Dust can damage your personal belongings, like your technology, furniture, and books. These are topics we have already covered in our blog, which got us thinking, “How can dust damage the human body? What does dust do to...

Do you have sneezing, runny nose, or irritated eyes? If you have experienced or have known someone to experience allergies, whether it's seasonal or throughout the entire year, you know how uncomfortable and annoying they can be. There is a...

Have your allergies ever flared up while cleaning? Whether you have seasonal or year-round allergies, it is common for your allergy symptoms to be exacerbated while cleaning a dusty or dirty part of your home. Even individuals with no previous...

For someone with dust mite allergies, knowing all the places where dust could be hiding becomes a part of life. However, if you’re someone who recently found out about a dust mite allergy (or, unfortunately, developed one) you might be...

If you suffer from allergies due to dust mites, spring cleaning may not seem that exciting. With allergies, you have to be mindful of how much dust accumulates in your home year-round, not just in the spring. Although deep spring...

Dust mite allergies are never fun, no matter how mild or severe. Nobody likes congestion, or the headaches accompanying that congestion, or any of the other fun symptoms that come with most allergies. The problem is it’s really hard to...

If you didn’t know already, technology hates dust. It’s funny how something so small can be so powerful! Not only does dust exacerbate allergies and cause reactions, but it affects other things, too! Especially your computer. Yes, your computer (and...

People who are allergic to dust are actually allergic to dust mites and the matter they leave behind. The Dust Bender was designed to help protect those who suffer from dust allergies, but it’s perfect for those who simply...

Did you know that several pounds of skin cells, dirt, and other contaminants can accumulate in your carpet in just one year? This can be a big problem for everyone, especially those with allergies. As we’ve discussed in previous blogs,...