How Dust Affects Technology
If you didn’t know already, technology hates dust. It’s funny how something so small can be so powerful! Not only does dust exacerbate allergies and cause reactions, but it affects other things, too! Especially your computer. Yes, your computer (and all your other technology) hates dust. But how can something so small cause something inanimate to cease working properly? How can we combat this issue? How do we know if it even is an issue? This blog will answer these questions!
Dust & Computers
Dust is your computer’s enemy. And yes, it is constantly doing more damage than you think it is. Think of it this way: Your computer is built to cool itself down, either with an internal fan or with coolant, but most use a fan. As you know, fans push air through in one direction, but most of that air contains dust particles. This isn’t an issue on day one, or even month one. But over time, the fan will push so much dust through to the inside of your computer, that the dust will begin coating everything inside—from the hard drive, to the processor, to your memory and graphics card.
While your computer’s fan’s job is to keep the computer cool, the coating of dust actually reverses that effect. Dust acts as an insulator (think: hair, dander, etc. all things that keep us warm). This makes each dust-insulated component run much hotter than intended. If the components in your computer overheat, there are terrible consequences. Anything from shutting down for good to component damage, an overheated computer is never fun (and can be very expensive to replace).
So, how do you know if your computer is overheating? There are a few telltale signs that your computer needs cleaning, so be sure to look out for them! 1) If your computer fan is running really loudly. If you notice that it runs at a faster speed or begins running at a higher pitch, it’s a good sign that you have too much dust in your computer. 2) Your computer feels hot. Dust acts as an insulator, so if your computer feels hot it’s not a good thing. 3) Your computer looks dirty. This one may be obvious, but it needs to be said.
Cleaning Dust Out of Your Computer
If you’ve ever read blogs about cleaning dust out of your computer, most will recommend using a can of air. However, this method isn’t conducive if you have allergies. Cans of air will just fling the dust out of the computer and into the air. While that’s great for your computer, it’s not great for you. That’s why a Dust Bender is the perfect tool for cleaning out computers and other electronics. It takes the dust and puts it right into your vacuum cleaner, so you don’t have to worry about exacerbating your allergies!
To clean your computer out with the Dust Bender, you will need to follow these steps. 1) Shut down your computer and unplug the unit. 2) Carefully open the case. 3) Use the Dust Bender to blast the canned air into the computer and it will take the dust out of the air and put it into your vacuum. Additionally, you will need to ensure your computer and around your computer stay clean and free of dust. You can do this by wiping down the area with a very slightly damp cloth. Be careful! It must be very slightly damp to not affect your electronics negatively.
Your computer doesn’t need to overheat! And you don’t need to exacerbate your allergies cleaning it out. The Dust Bender was specially made for this kind of cleaning. It was made with you in mind. We want to help you protect your investments and that becomes significantly easier when you have a Dust Bender at home. Do you work in an office? You could advocate to have a Dust Bender in your office, so everyone has access and can clean their computer effectively and consistently.