About Us
The Dust Bender removes dust and other impurities from your living environment, allowing you to achieve a cleaner home with fewer allergens.
Let’s be honest: your house is dirty. It’s not your fault, cleaning takes up a lot of time and energy, and our busy lives don’t leave much room for this draining routine. Even when we do get around to housework we often neglect fully cleaning our living environment, and our health can suffer as a result. Although we tried vigorously scrubbing our home on a weekly basis, the problem, we found, was that conventional dust management techniques can actually exacerbate the problem by flinging dust and other microscopic particles into the air. While the surface might look clean, the air you are breathing in is not.
To combat this issue Dust Bender was invented! A universal attachment that fits on to any standard vacuum cleaner. The Dust Bender bi-directionally channels airflow to push dust and other particles into the air, while simultaneously directing airborne particles through the hose of your vacuum cleaner. The key here is precision, as both air flows are specifically coordinated so that the displaced particles are immediately captured. This effectively removes dust and other impurities from your living environment, allowing you to have a cleaner home with fewer allergens.